Mar 6, 2012

Injecting Mockitto mocks using Spring @Autowired

We are using @Autowired (by Type) for dependency management of our multi-layer/multi-tiered Spring 3 project. Here is how our interface/implementation look,

public interface UserProfileService {

       public abstract UserProfileDO getUser(String userId) throws UserNotFoundException;


public class UserProfileServiceImpl extends BaseService implements UserProfileService, InitializingBean

       private UserProfileDAO userprofileDao;

       public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception
              Assert.notNull(userprofileDao, "UserProfileDAO not injected.");
       public UserProfileDO getUser(String userId) throws UserNotFoundException
              IMPersonEntity person;
                     person = userprofileDao.getUser(userId);
              catch (DataAccessException e)
                     throw new UserNotFoundException(userId);
              if (person == null)
                     throw new UserNotFoundException(userId);

              UserProfileDO userProfile = (UserProfileDO) objectConversion(person, UserProfileDO.class);
              return userProfile;

       public void setUserprofileDao(UserProfileDAO userprofileDao)
              this.userprofileDao = userprofileDao;


UserProfileService has two dependent beans
·         UserProfileDAO: Needs to be  mocked. This is a data-access layer which is implementated using  IBMs Tivoli APIs and LDAP.
·         dozerObjectMapper: This dependency is from the BaseService, which converts the Entities into DomainObject. We don’t intend to mock this.

To configure Mockitto, I  started by using @Mock annotation but in my test I needed a mix of @Autowired and @Mock. I  don’t think MockitoJUnit44Runner loads the beans from ContextConfiguration. Also, I didn’t find any special value on using @Mock annotation (This is my first mockitto test, maybe I will realize its value later).

public class UserProfileServiceTest implements InitializingBean
       @Autowired    private UserProfileService userDetailsService;
       @Mock         private UserProfileDAO mockUserDetailsDao;

Other issue with my test was that my ServiceInterface (UserProfileService) did not have setter for DAO ( as per desing), that means I cannot set my mockObject on the service. I overcame this problem by using (abusing) Reflection.
So, I changed my test to switched back to SpringJUnit4ClassRunner (removed @Mock annotation) and I used reflection to set  mockObject to the testService.

public class UserProfileServiceTest implements InitializingBean
private UserProfileService userDetailsService;
       private UserProfileDAO mockUserDetailsDao = mock(UserProfileDAO);

       public void getValidUser() throws UserNotFoundException, EntityNotFoundException, MultipleEntitiesFoundException
              IMPerson mockPerson = new IMPerson();
              mockPerson.setDisplayName("test cca");
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(userDetailsService, "userProfileDAO", mockUserDetailsDao);
              UserProfileDO user = userDetailsService.getUser("cca_test_user");
              Assert.assertEquals("test cca", user.getDisplayName());


This got me going, I could run tests with mock objects. I still wanted to get rid of reflection and find a way to Autowire mockObject (maintain consistency across application).
So,  I moved my mockbean creation to  test context and had @Autowired in service detect the required mock Dao (no more Reflection). I still needed a reference to mock bean in my test, to configure mock conditions.
This is how my final test context looks, with mock bean creation.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

<bean  id="mockUserProfileDao" class="org.mockito.Mockito" factory-method="mock">
    <constructor-arg value="" />

<bean class=""/>
<bean class="org.dozer.DozerBeanMapper"/>

This is how my  final test looks

public class UserProfileServiceTest
       private UserProfileService userDetailsService;
       private UserProfileDAO mockUserDetailsDao;

       public void getValidUser() throws UserNotFoundException, EntityNotFoundException, MultipleEntitiesFoundException
              IMPerson mockPerson = new IMPerson();
              mockPerson.setDisplayName("test cca");
              UserProfileDO user = userDetailsService.getUser("cca_test_user");
              Assert.assertEquals("test cca", user.getDisplayName());

       public void getMultipleInValidUser() throws UserNotFoundException, EntityNotFoundException, MultipleEntitiesFoundException
              when(mockUserDetailsDao.getUser("multipleUserids")).thenThrow(new MultipleEntitiesFoundException());

       public void getInValidUser() throws UserNotFoundException, EntityNotFoundException, MultipleEntitiesFoundException


Happy testing J

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