Mar 12, 2012

Maven Profile -conditionally exclude junits

Our dataaccess layer is dependent on special software components that are not available in every developer’s sandbox. By default we exclude these tests, but we still need our continuous integration environment (Bamboo) to run all the tests.  
We were able to leverage Maven’s Profile to conditionally exclude tests.

We created a maven property in our pom: exclude.tim.tests


We used this property in exclude configuration.

Running, mvn clean install excludes these tests.

To include the tests, we created a profile IncludeSpecialTests and configured the test exclusion property with a dummy value (NothingToExclude)
    <id>IncludeSpecialTests </id>

Running mvn install  runs all the tests.
mvn clean install –PIncludeSpecialTests

Mar 6, 2012

Injecting Mockitto mocks using Spring @Autowired

We are using @Autowired (by Type) for dependency management of our multi-layer/multi-tiered Spring 3 project. Here is how our interface/implementation look,

public interface UserProfileService {

       public abstract UserProfileDO getUser(String userId) throws UserNotFoundException;


public class UserProfileServiceImpl extends BaseService implements UserProfileService, InitializingBean

       private UserProfileDAO userprofileDao;

       public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception
              Assert.notNull(userprofileDao, "UserProfileDAO not injected.");
       public UserProfileDO getUser(String userId) throws UserNotFoundException
              IMPersonEntity person;
                     person = userprofileDao.getUser(userId);
              catch (DataAccessException e)
                     throw new UserNotFoundException(userId);
              if (person == null)
                     throw new UserNotFoundException(userId);

              UserProfileDO userProfile = (UserProfileDO) objectConversion(person, UserProfileDO.class);
              return userProfile;

       public void setUserprofileDao(UserProfileDAO userprofileDao)
              this.userprofileDao = userprofileDao;


UserProfileService has two dependent beans
·         UserProfileDAO: Needs to be  mocked. This is a data-access layer which is implementated using  IBMs Tivoli APIs and LDAP.
·         dozerObjectMapper: This dependency is from the BaseService, which converts the Entities into DomainObject. We don’t intend to mock this.

To configure Mockitto, I  started by using @Mock annotation but in my test I needed a mix of @Autowired and @Mock. I  don’t think MockitoJUnit44Runner loads the beans from ContextConfiguration. Also, I didn’t find any special value on using @Mock annotation (This is my first mockitto test, maybe I will realize its value later).

public class UserProfileServiceTest implements InitializingBean
       @Autowired    private UserProfileService userDetailsService;
       @Mock         private UserProfileDAO mockUserDetailsDao;

Other issue with my test was that my ServiceInterface (UserProfileService) did not have setter for DAO ( as per desing), that means I cannot set my mockObject on the service. I overcame this problem by using (abusing) Reflection.
So, I changed my test to switched back to SpringJUnit4ClassRunner (removed @Mock annotation) and I used reflection to set  mockObject to the testService.

public class UserProfileServiceTest implements InitializingBean
private UserProfileService userDetailsService;
       private UserProfileDAO mockUserDetailsDao = mock(UserProfileDAO);

       public void getValidUser() throws UserNotFoundException, EntityNotFoundException, MultipleEntitiesFoundException
              IMPerson mockPerson = new IMPerson();
              mockPerson.setDisplayName("test cca");
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(userDetailsService, "userProfileDAO", mockUserDetailsDao);
              UserProfileDO user = userDetailsService.getUser("cca_test_user");
              Assert.assertEquals("test cca", user.getDisplayName());


This got me going, I could run tests with mock objects. I still wanted to get rid of reflection and find a way to Autowire mockObject (maintain consistency across application).
So,  I moved my mockbean creation to  test context and had @Autowired in service detect the required mock Dao (no more Reflection). I still needed a reference to mock bean in my test, to configure mock conditions.
This is how my final test context looks, with mock bean creation.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

<bean  id="mockUserProfileDao" class="org.mockito.Mockito" factory-method="mock">
    <constructor-arg value="" />

<bean class=""/>
<bean class="org.dozer.DozerBeanMapper"/>

This is how my  final test looks

public class UserProfileServiceTest
       private UserProfileService userDetailsService;
       private UserProfileDAO mockUserDetailsDao;

       public void getValidUser() throws UserNotFoundException, EntityNotFoundException, MultipleEntitiesFoundException
              IMPerson mockPerson = new IMPerson();
              mockPerson.setDisplayName("test cca");
              UserProfileDO user = userDetailsService.getUser("cca_test_user");
              Assert.assertEquals("test cca", user.getDisplayName());

       public void getMultipleInValidUser() throws UserNotFoundException, EntityNotFoundException, MultipleEntitiesFoundException
              when(mockUserDetailsDao.getUser("multipleUserids")).thenThrow(new MultipleEntitiesFoundException());

       public void getInValidUser() throws UserNotFoundException, EntityNotFoundException, MultipleEntitiesFoundException


Happy testing J