Netflix decision to retire
its Public API may be based on its own
business and IT strategy, however, since it is the front-runner
in Web API trend, this decision needs to be assessed in
a broader sense. Specifically, what this means to the enterprises API
program and their vision to increase API exposure.
Web API is a rapidly growing trend, where Enterprises offer
programmatic access of their data, services and resources to the developers:
internal teams, external partners, or public third-party developers. Web APIs
allow access to data and functionality, that is typically available via
enterprises webapps (website), to other consumers such as internal webapps, portals,
mobile and B2B partners.
Having realized the value of APIs, through reuse, where a single resource endpoint can service various consumers, the Enterprises are now looking at ways to expand their API program to a wider consumer base. I think this expansion needs a careful thought, and can greatly learn from the Netflix API program, that had to shut-off one of its
API consumers (the third-party developers). Netflix may get away from its
decision by upsetting a handful of developers, however, the mainstream enterprises
cannot do that without negatively affecting their business relationship and bottom lines.
Every API consumer brings in some cost and complexity that impacts
API design and manageability. This sounds counterintuitive, wherein, API design
needs to be consumer-agnostic, and a well-designed API should serve any consumer. Again, looking at Netflix and based on my
experience with API design over the last few years, this expectation cannot be met easily.
Netflix VP of Edge Engineering,
Daniel Jacobson, in his blog Why
rest keeps me up at night, points out similar complexity when trying
to design one-size-fits-all APIs. Here are a
few extracts from his blog:
“Our REST API, while very
capable of handling the requests from our devices in a generic way, is
optimized for none of them.
That means that each device
potentially has to work a little harder (or sometimes a lot harder) to get the
data needed to create great user experiences because devices are different from
each other.
Because of the differences in
these devices, Netflix UI teams would often have to do a range of things to get
around our REST API to better serve the users of the device. Sometimes, the API
team would be required to extend the base service to handle special cases, often
resulting in spaghetti code or undocumented features. "
The design solution to
handle consumer-specific complexities are expensive, either consumer has
to do extra-work, or services has consumer-specific rules, or an extra proxy (intermediary) is required to handle consumer-specific features.
At the end, adding API consumer has cost implications that need to be assessed against
the business value of API expansion.
While Daniel
Jacobson may have solved his problem by shutting-down Public APIs and is
having a good night's sleep, some of us still need to find a better way to